Sunday, 29 September 2024



这周挺累的。工作行程排得满满,周间傍晚也几乎没有一天是闲着的。好吧,除了周五,累得什么都不能做,只能受电视剧的引诱,看了整整3个小时的House MD……




Saturday, 21 September 2024

Self-reflection (1): the method

Came across a video that outlines a path to self-reflection, on how to orient one's mindset so that one becomes more motivated to make changes in life in a sustainable way. The gist is as follows: 

1. to observe the A) current self, where you are in life, and imagine B) the ideal self -- both in a concrete way. 

2. rank yourself from 1-10, to what degree are you like B).

3. consider the incentives that you may have to decide to just keep at A), and not chase after B).

4. imagine two roads going into the future, where there are two yous: one you just continues to be A) without making any changes in your life, and another you takes several steps towards the goal of becoming B). 

i) Start with imagining the changes that will take place for the second you (moving towards B), in a week's time, three week's time, 3 month's time, a years time, and 2 and finally 3 years time.

ii) Lastly, do the same for the first you (continues on A).

I think this is an interesting exercise so I'm probably gonna do it over the next week. Check out the linked instructions, if you're interested too!

Wednesday, 18 September 2024



- Lethargy seeps into my bones. Despite sleeping 8 hours, and going back to my running routine, I'm still tired often. I wonder why.

- 中秋时期,总算是比较开心的日子。除了跟一些老同学见面以外,各种团契活动也是让周末排满。或许就是因为这样,所以累吧;虽然是开心,但社交的精力极速递减。

- 学生和同事从国外参加会议回来,收获满满。大家聚在一起吃零食,分享自己的经历;看着组员开开心心,我也是挺高兴的。

- 给学生设置了一个难度比较高的测验,他们叫苦连天,但许多人也觉得题目有趣。希望这样的体验给他们的学习生涯也留下一些难以磨灭的印象。我不希望学生觉得物理靠死记硬背就可以轻松过关,我更不希望给他们一个自以为已经掌握了物理的幻觉。物理是难的,无可否认。但它的难度系数却也是它有趣的一部分,把它过于简易化,则失去它的趣味和神秘了。

- 每周三家里都像是在开party似的,二三十几个学生绕着猫玩,偶尔闲话家常,气氛融洽。

- 周五又要回KL了。母亲啊母亲,真希望你早日恢复往日的生活;然而即使在这样的愁苦和黑暗中,我们仍是要陪伴你,并且赞美神。

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Week analysis

This whole week was complete crap. It started because I missed one run due to the rain and decided to do HIIT instead. That led to muscle pain (I really should have foreseen this) and as a result I skipped the next two days of running. Even if I substituted it for longer treadmill walks, the effects were not as good. I had low energy for half of the week.

Furthermore, food wise there were several obstacles. Firstly, on Tuesday students asked me to have dinner with them. I originally said I would bring my own food, but then due to time constraints for meal prep I was tempted to eat with them. Very bad choice. Then, on Wednesday there was a town hall meeting. I originally decided against eating dinner, but was tempted by the buffet. You'd think, as long as one controls on quantity, it shouldn't hurt. The food also tasted so good — after all, it’s oily, fatty, packed with spices. But soon I learnt my lesson — after two months of clean eating, apparently my stomach can no longer handle this type of food. I went to bed with a queasy feeling in the gut, and woke up at 3am with cold sweat due to gastric pain. Sleep was subsequently ruined, leading to an even worse day where I slip back to old binging habits, and spent the entire evening browsing videos.

Fortunately, I'm back on the running track starting this morning onward. Moral of the week?

1. DON’T SKIP RUNNING — don’t even substitute it with other forms of exercise for now, not even if it rains.

2. WHEN YOU PLAN TO NOT EAT OUT, DON’T GIVE IN TO THE TEMPTATION — it simply doesn’t pay to slack off. And by the way, no more eating out for you for the whole of September.

3. A FOOLPROOF EMERGENCY ESCAPE & DE-STRESS PLAN IS IN HIGH DEMAND — the question is, what is convenient, easily motivating, doable anywhere and anytime, and healthy & constructive? I mean, I do have proper escape plans like blogging and writing in my notebooks, except that they kick in only when I'm not too weak. When my will is sufficiently weakened by exhaustion or stress or discouragement, then they don't work properly anymore. After thinking about this for a while, I decided that whenever I catch myself tempted to binge, the escape plan would be to just get out of the house for a full walk round the campus, with headphones jamming on Mayday.

Friday, 6 September 2024








一做决定要再访秋天,就开始兴致勃勃地安排行程了,想着究竟应该去哪里玩儿好呢?结果同事们一个个说,“不如你去首尔拜访KIAS吧?”,“不如来名古屋一起工作吧?”,“嘿嘿,东京这里travel funding很多,可以拜访RIKEN,要来不?”


其实在我心里,秋天是诱惑,物理和数学更是 :P

Monday, 2 September 2024





人的脑袋、精力、体力,与其拿去消耗在一些有的没的,还不如多拿去探索美好世界中的无限可能 :)